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Thursday, April 03, 2008

I posted a few weeks ago that the Phantom whose scrapbook I was working on from the start of the season, Brian Boucher, signed an NHL contract with San Jose. I turned in his completed book tonight to the chair of the Scrapbook Committee, and she'll be mailing it to him c/o the Sharks.

Now I have until April 9 to finish assembling the scrapbook for the player who came in to replace him. Martin Houle made my life easy tonight by earning a shutout and being the first star of the game. I love taking pics of the scoreboard at the end of the game when there's a shutout involved. Taking photos of the player who's the first star of the game is easy, as well, as he's interviewed at center ice. Thanks for giving me some nice material for the scrapbook, Martin.

This week, I got emails that not one, but TWO people have started following my posts on There's only one slight detail... I totally forgot I HAD an account on so I hadn't posted there yet. LOL. Well, for kicks, I made my first post on there a little while ago. If you're wondering what in heck I'm talking about, then check out It strikes me as being a kind of mini-blog where one can make itty-bitty updates on the spur of the moment.

Last Sunday, Mark and I had a pregame dinner at Bullies at the Spectrum. The meal I ordered was an absolutely enormous portion -- I was only able to eat about half of it, so I asked for the rest to be packed. The waitress brought me an empty styrofoam container and I filled it with the leftover portion myself.

That's when it dawned on me that do-it-yourself leftover packing seems to have become the norm, rather than the exception. What the heck? When did the transition occur from "waiter/waitress takes your leftovers and packs them for you" to "Here's an empty container, feel free to put your leftovers in it"? On behalf of myself and my fellow klutzes, I'd like to request that we go back to having someone who handles food for a living do the packing. Knock on wood, I haven't had any packing mishaps so far. But with my luck, one of these days I'm bound to have the Spill to End All Spills and that'll be the end of my leftovers.

Anyway, time to make some ZZZs. I was up late (even for ME) the past two nights, and the sleep deficit is starting to take its toll. Good night -- er, morning.

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