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Thursday, July 10, 2003

OK, first things first: Hooray, I now have a guestbook!I've added the link to the left-hand side of the page. Do please sign it when you get a chance. :o)

Next on the list: the photo album for our Ride the Ducks tour has been set up. It's a tour that takes place both on land and in the water, because the Duck vehicle is able to drive from the land right into the river, and operate as a boat on the water. It was a lot of fun and I'd recommend it to anybody.

OH! That company from Blue Bell called me yesterday, when I didn't show up for the interview. That would have been kind of hard when I had no company name, address, phone number, contact name, nor contact e-mail address. The way we closed our phone conversation last week, I was expecting all that information to come in the e-mail, which promptly never arrived.

Well, I found out what the problem was. This company's e-mail addresses look like Not ".com", not ".org", not ".anything-I've-ever-heard-of". I think that my hotmail address took one look at that "" e-mail address and filtered it out as potential spam. They've had their e-mail filtered out by spam controls in the past, so they know I wasn't kidding when I said that their original note never arrived.

Unfortunately, they really want to fill those positions during the week that I'll be at AADB. There is no way I can get out there between now and the time I leave for the convention, so I suppose I'm out of the running. I think I'll call them after I get home to see if they're still interviewing, and take it from there. THIS time I made sure to get contact information before I hung up.

Incidentally, I asked them to send me the directions again to my job-search-related hotmail address, with a cc: to my AOL address. Unfortunately, AOL also appears to filter out their oddly-formatted e-mail address. As of this writing, I've received no e-mail at EITHER address from this company.

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