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Monday, April 12, 2004

In two weeks, I'll get an update as to whether my current temp assignment will be continuing, or wrapping up. I could find out that I have a stable work situation to look forward to, or I could be assignment-free within 30 days from right now.

I hope it's the former. But neither hope nor hard work have gotten me much in the past three years. So I'll just keep working hard but emotionally I'll try to be ready in case the news isn't good.

I'm not happy, though -- on the job sites I normally visit, there is NOTHING that fits my IT experience. Nothing. The office assistant/receptionist/etc type of positions are also slim pickings, at best. I just finished checking.

I've heard a zillion times that the economy is improving. I'm still waiting for concrete proof besides people expressing opinions that the economy's getting better. I'm not seeing it. If anything, I've seen exactly the opposite for the past three years.

I just feel so discouraged to think that yet again, hard work, doing a good job and having the good opinion of the people I work with/for might just mean nothing and the bottom line might mean I'm expendable. Again.

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