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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Full-Time FTW

I haven't filled out any official paperwork yet, but the good news is that I've been reporting for 40-hour weeks for the past two weeks, and I just got word that it's going to continue. So the conversion from part-time temp to full-time permanent is likely to happen a lot sooner than originally expected.

I'm also hoping that I get a desk of my own soon, if that's the case, as it's a challenge to get things done when I'm bouncing between different locations. Last week was nice, as I was able to work from an unused office all five days. But the office, which belonged to my former manager, is not likely to remain unoccupied for long, so unfortunately I can't presume that I'm going to inherit it. Darn. ;) It's more likely going to be used by the manager I report to now. I might land in one of the buildings in the main hospital where our department also has some real estate. Hey, from where I sit (or don't sit yet, lol), it's all good. Just plant me at a desk and I'll be good to go.

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