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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mini is in the hospital for surgery

Mini is at the medical clinic of the animal rescue organization I got her from, even as I type, having surgery on some kind of hernia.

At about 6 PM last night, I picked her up for a session of "Tickle Da Belly!", and noticed a small, flesh-colored, grape-sized eruption on her abdomen, near her utrethra. I had no idea what it was, so I called the vet clinic. I had to leave a voice mail in their "emergency" mailbox. I never heard back by midnight, so I called again. The emergency mailbox was full, so I left a message in their general mailbox. Still no call, by 10 AM today, so I called again and left another message in the emergency mailbox (which evidently had been cleared at some point today, since it was no longer full). In each case, I described the issue, asked for advice, and announced I wanted to bring the dog in, even if I couldn't get an appointment.

We brought her in at about noon. They took one look at her and knew surgery had to be the treatment. If there is a mass, they'll biopsy it. If it's a hernia, they will make sure that they clean up any necrotic tissue. I only wish someone had freaking called me back BEFORE I fed Mini breakfast, as that meant they couldn't do the surgery right away.

My poor little pup. Say some prayers that she comes through with flying colors, and the surgery will repair any and all problems. Thanks.

As it stands now, we're to return to the clinic at 6 or 6:30 to pick her up. I'm glad she won't have to stay overnight. She may be a tiny dog, but her presence is huge and the house is empty without her.

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