I have gone al-in with journaling in recent weeks. Well, I started journaling in earnest sometime last year -- offline, not anywhere that the general public can access it. However, it's been in recent weeks that our dear friend who has received a serious health diagnosis has started having major issues because of said diagnosis. They were asymptomatic for a long time (relatively long, given the nature of the diagnosis). However, that has changed within the past month or so. I have no idea if the docs have a set of remedies that could bring back the asymptomatic state. I can hope, but I'm not a doctor. Or, if symptoms have arrived and will be here for the duration, I don't know what treatments exist that could get the symptoms to be as minimized as possible.
All I can say is that symptoms are here, and with them, tremendous emotional pain for that loved one and for everyone who loves them.
In the past, deep distress has sent me right to the refrigerator to stress-eat. Well, thanks to Type 2 diabetes, stress eating is most emphatically NOT on my list of options anymore.
Fortunately, I have rediscovered that journaling (and, at this point, trauma dumping in print) is effective as a form of therapy. That's a place where we can just open the floodgates without judgment, and mentally process things that we might not feel at ease discussing with anyone else aloud (especially when everyone else in the immediate vicinity has been hit hard emotionally, as well). It's not that I don't want to talk to anyone aloud, but I am cognizant that I don't want to vent all over someone who is dealing with pain of their own.
I think our entire friends group should track down the nearest rage room. Maybe we can get a group discount to go there and start whaling on punching bags and other assorted things. But with this amount of rage we're all carrying, I would be afraid that the place wouldn't be left with one brick standing on another once we were through.
Bleep bad diagnoses. Bleep progressive diseases. Bleep the specific diagnosis and disease that we're witnessing right now. Bleep them all the way to the bottom of the infinite Pit.