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Thursday, February 04, 2021

Diamond Hands vs. Paper Hands

After having entertained myself watching the fragment of a share of GME go up and down for a week, I was all set to just keep holding. As long as it kept tap dancing around the same general number, I figured all was well.

But today, the numbers turned doubleplus ungood. It dropped all morning. By lunchtime, I had seen enough. I stepped away from my miniscule experiment.

I basically spent about $2.50/day for a week to amuse myself watching the subreddit WallStreetBets and the stock ticker. Pretty cheap entertainment, if you ask me.

I will keep watching that subreddit. Maybe next time, I can get in on the very beginning of their next project and EARN $2.50 a day. 😀

Woot woot for microinvesting apps, though. Experimenting with pin money is harmless enough.

In other news, this was the first day after my second dCOVID shot. I am starting to feel it. Like last time, all the joints that tend to hurt anyway have been griping nonstop. But this time, some general low-grade all-over body aches joined the party. Fortunately, I have enough remedies in my daily medical regimen (prescription and OTC) to dial the volume on the discomfort WAY down. I also feel like I am getting a sore throat and a cough... not sure if that is on the symptoms list, but I kind of think it is.

I will hydrate a lot and go to bed early.

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